In the age of selfies, vlogs, Instagram, Snapchat, and the millions of other forms of social networking available these days, the desire to look and feel good is paramount—even, if not especially, to the younger generation. Botox is sweeping the selfie generation like a brand-new Apple product because of its ability to smooth away lines, improve texture, and add volume back to depressed skin.
Board-certified specialist Dr. Sarah Vakkalanka is trained and knowledgeable in all things Botox. She personally oversees all Botox injections at Allure Anti-Aging & Aesthetics and only selects injectors who have demonstrated expertise.
What Is Botox?
Botox is a specialized protein that blocks nerve signals to the specific facial muscles responsible for forming lines and wrinkles in the skin. By relaxing these muscles, wrinkles are smoothed away like a great Instagram filter. Botox injections work best on the forehead, the area between the brows, the outer eyes, the neck, and the lips to restore that beautiful, ageless skin. And don’t worry—while Botox may smooth wrinkles and creases, it won’t keep you from smiling, laughing, or making other everyday facial expressions. You’ll still be able to express your beautiful self, except without the creases.
Prevention is Easier Than Reversal
Millennials are getting a jump start on the aging process before it has a chance to get any worse. Facelifts are an excellent way to restore a youthful contour to the face, but they can also be expensive and require a lengthy recovery period. Millennials are thinking smarter, not harder, and thinking ahead to their future selves by preventing the early signs of aging with Botox. Also, early signs of aging are significantly easier to repair than wrinkles or lines that have been established over a longer period of time. So for millennials, the age reversal is less work, time, and money than it would be if they waited until they were in their 40s or 50s.
A Fresh Start
Millennials are fresh out of college, which means they have hours of stress and all-nighters lurking underneath their skin. Botox offers a great way to restore youthful radiance to the skin immediately. So those late-night study binges, endless lectures, repeat coffee breaks, stressful papers, and long naps in the car can be smoothed away just in time for graduation.
An added perk of Botox is that our experts can complete a session in as little as 15 minutes. Additionally, the side effects are usually limited to slight swelling at injection sights and mild bruising that can easily be covered up with makeup. With a millennials busy schedule, that’s enough time for them to grab their favorite Starbucks and rush back to work.
Why Choose Dr. Vakkalanka?
Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics is located at the beautiful, sunny coast of Huntington Beach, California. She strives to provide her patients with safety, minimal downtime, and reduced pain when undergoing any of the procedures she offers.
For more information concerning Botox or other injectable treatments, please contact our office by calling (714) 804-5460 or contacting us online for a consultation.