
Everything You Need to Know About Evolve Trim, Tone, And Tite

Would you like to be trim, toned, and tighter without going under the knife? Body contouring technology has come a long way, and the latest impressive skin remodeling device has Allure patients excited.

Evolve maximizes skin tightening through the power of RF energy. It works on a cellular level without the need for scalpels, incisions, or scars. With Evolve, both skin contraction and remodeling are possible in just one treatment.

Our patients lead busy lives. It’s reassuring to know that visible, dramatic improvements can be made to skin firmness and contours without the time and expense associated with surgeries. Plus, Evolve treatments are done safely and quickly in-office, with no downtime to worry about after. Read on to discover how it can work for you.

Evolve Thermal Body Contouring Benefits

  • Tightens skin
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Improves figures
  • Requires no downtime
  • Safe for different skin types
  • Painless treatment
  • Fast treatment -just 30-60 minutes to work with your day

What Exactly Is Evolve Tite Technology?

Evolve Tite is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment that comfortably directs thermal energy deep into your skin and adipose tissue.

It’s designed to reduce the look of loose skin, orange peel skin, and unwanted fat deposits. Textural irregularities in the skin have long been one of the most challenging problems in cosmetic medicine.

Even after removing fat pockets through liposuction, surface skin laxity and loss of tone not only remain but sometimes appear even worse. Evolve treats skin tightness specifically to work wonders for various imperfections.

How Does Evolve Skin Tightening Work?

With clinically proven radiofrequency (RF) technology, Evolve stimulates your natural collagen production through your body’s own repair mechanisms. Thermal energy triggers the tissue to build up resilience, elasticity, and firmness without damaging the surface.

The tissue will respond to energy directed in target areas, then slowly remodel over several weeks. Meanwhile, patients don’t experience pain or swelling associated with some other contouring procedures and can simply watch their new shape come into view.

What Is Evolve Body Contouring Treatment Like?

People are pleased to know this treatment isn’t uncomfortable and, in fact, can feel rather relaxing. You’ll experience a warming sensation during your sessions, which feels like a hot stone massage where the handpiece meets your skin.

As RF effects dermal layers, you can expect to see firmer skin, fewer folds, and a smoother contour. Textural irregularities even out over time. Most people will need between 3-8 treatments spread over 1-2 months for optimal results.

After the first few appointments, most people see visible improvements.

Is RF Body Contouring Safe?

Evolve’s technology automatically adjusts based on your tissue receiving thermal energy and providing feedback. Just the right depth and correct level of thermal response are achieved through unprecedented precision. Evolve applicators have built-in thermal sensors to monitor skin temperature in real-time.

We also like that patients have control over their treatment experience and a device in hand to pause or call for adjustments at any time.

A common concern for laser skin treatments is skin tone and the risk associated with darker skin types. However, Evolve can be safely used on all skin types.

Schedule Your Evolve Tite Consultation in Huntington Beach, CA

During consultation, you’ll share your concerns and receive an assessment of the areas in question. We provide completely customized treatment programs to help clients see the results they want.

We’ll be pleased to share the exciting benefits of non-surgical body sculpting and help you reveal a figure you love. Call  (714) 804-5460 to book your consultation today.